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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

73 - 89 - Hands Do It All At Yonge Street Mission

At Yonge Street Mission's Volunteer Appreciation in 2010, they shared their hands to show us all that they do throughout the year. Can you guess how they volunteer?

Volunteer Hands at Yonge Street Mission, Toronto, submitted by Ruth.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

71, 72 - Colourful Hands

When I walked by this mural in downtown Toronto, it immediately brought to mind all that volunteers do - they nurture, they fight for right, they bring beauty and peace, they reach for the sky. They help dreams happen.
What do you see?

Mural on Youthlink off Queen St, downtown Toronto. Artwork: Harbourfront Community Centre. From Christine, Toronto.

63 - 70 Bowling for JVS Youth Programs

Volunteers helping out and getting in the spirit at the annual Bowl A Thon in support of JVS youth programs. Lots of hands a couple of wings!

90 - Volunteers Dig In

From spring through fall, Evergreen volunteers really get their hands dirty at Evergreen, Toronto
(photo: Evergreen)