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Saturday, November 6, 2010

19 - Ministry

Sue, E. Toronto, Canada

"I volunteer as a Stephen Minister at my church. We receive one full year of training on Counselling. We are matched with someone who needs our help and meet with them once a week for support."

Friday, November 5, 2010

Happy IMVD!

Happy International Volunteer Managers Day!
Wishing all Managers of Volunteers wherever you may be a most terrific day!
Thank you for the many hats you wear to build strong communities across the globe.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

18 - SAVA!

Members of the Scarborough Association for Volunteer Administration (SAVA) Executive, Toronto, Canada
Pictured from left to right:
Alysia Neale - Outreach Coordinator, Volunteer Services, The Scarborough Hospital
Josie Dunn - Community Liaison Coordinator, Leisureworld Scarborough
Joan Walters - Volunteer Coordinator, Warden Woods Community Centre
Roseanna Wirt - Coordinator of Volunteers, VHA Home HealthCare
Carol Gamble - Volunteer Toronto
Jovel Patricio - Volunteer Coordinator, Momiji Health Care Society
Members of the SAVA Executive attend a Volunteer Toronto event entitled "A Salute to the Profession of Managers of Volunteers." Here they show their pride and enthusisam in belonging to a professional association for people who work with volunteers!
Thank you SAVA for all you do!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

16 and 17 - Counting down to IYV+10 with Volunteer Toronto and the UN

On September 28, 2010, Volunteer Toronto held a special Volunteer Talk session with an International spin!
Simona Costanzo Sow, Project Manager for IYV+10 at UNV joined us via Skype from Bonn, Germany. Simona let us know that the UN has set up an online community where we can find out how IYV+10 is being celebrated around the world at
Check it out to see what is happening in your community.

Deborah Gardner, Executive Director and Marisa Gelfusa, Training Services from Volunteer Toronto high five after a successful International Volunteer Talk session!

Simona Costanzo Sow waves hello all the way from Bonn, Germany.
How will you be celebrating IYV+10?

Friday, September 24, 2010

15 - Daycare

Doley H, Toronto, Canada.

"Here is a photo of helping hands that represents the good work being done in our local church daycare centre."

Thursday, September 9, 2010

12, 13 and 14 - Promoting Independence Amongst Seniors

Thanks to Alisha Ali, Volunteer Coordinator at SPRINT for showing us how valuable our senior volunteers are.

Nancy C, Toronto, Canada.
97 year old Nancy C volunteers to stuff and send out client bills.
Here are her busy hands at work.
Marie L, Toronto, Canada.
Marie knits a bereavement outfit for families who are mourning the loss of their new born infants. Volunteers like Marie help families to focus on healing.
Blanche S, Toronto, Canada.

Blanche calls clients to let them know their transportation schedule. She provides this great service with a friendly voice and kind words.

8, 9, 10, 11 - Evergreen Brick Works

Thanking the wonderful Becky L, at Evergreen Brick Works for these photos.
Marcella T, Volunteer Advisor, Toronto, Canada.
Every Saturday at 6:30am, Weekend Program Assistant volunteers start arriving to help with set up for the Farmers' Market. Step one is always a fresh brew of coffee!

Natalia C, Weekend Program Assistant, Toronto, Canada.

Hands on eco-crafts for the big and small are offered at Evergreen Brick Works. Volunteer Natalia helps Resident Artist Morgan Zigler to create aquaducts out of Japanese Knot Weed (an invasive species found in the area.) These aquaducts will help to water the Children's Garden.

Evergreen Bike Works Assistant, Toronto, Canada.

Evergreen was very excited to introduce bike programming this year after hiring Bike Educator Shah Mohamed. He works with volunteers to develop the bike shop on-site and offer bike education to anyone and everyone!

Emma N, Weekend Program Assistant and Camp Counsellor, Toronto, Canada.
You can find Emma at the Farmers' Market on the weekends. This year she also volunteered with the inaugural Green City Adventure Camp for kids. Here she is working on the community cork board made from donated corks which will serve as a place to post news about exciting things happening at Evergreen Brick Works.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

7 - Through the years...

Anthony Careless, life long volunteer, champion of volunteers and proud new grand dad in Toronto, Canada.
"Whenever I see a young person, no matter how young, I think of how to excite them about engaging with others around them; they end up exciting me with their creativity of reaching out - despite the generation gap, volunteers speak a common language."

6 - Working with Braille

Ruth McGrath, Volunteer in Ottawa, Canada

"I have been a volunteer braillist since 1976 having taken the course at the CNIB in Toronto. Over the years, I have experienced many changes in the way braille is produced from the Perkins manual brailler tothe present day computer. It has been a great journey and a big part of my life."

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

5 - WORMS! What in the World?

What in the World Activity Club, Yonge Street Mission, Toronto, Canada.

Volunteers teach kids about worm farming in the What in the World Activity Club, an afterschool program for children.

4 - Helping Young Parents

Yonge Street Mission's nursery program at Evergreen, Toronto, Canada.
Volunteers in the nursery at Evergreen give young parents and break and help them with their parenting skills.

3 - Yonge Street Mission's Evergreen Drop-In Centre

Yonge Street Mission's Evergreen, Toronto, Canada.

"Evergreen’s Drop-In provides over 40,000 nutritious meals to street youth each year. Hot lunches are served each weekday all year long, and dinners are provided from October to May. We also offer showers, clinics to help youth obtain an identification card, and a safe place to relax. Our specialty programs include Girls Group, STAND, Anger Management and an Art program."

Above: Volunteers, staff and youth work together at the Evergreen Drop-In centre.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

2 - Field of Dreams

From Monique M in Sudbury, Canada.
"Every week I coach a girls softball team. For me it's more than just the game. It's about teaching girls to rely on each other, be part of a team together and learn to work towards a common goal."

1 - You show us yours and we'll show you ours!

TAVA Members, Toronto, Canada (photo: Bruce W.)

We're a group of people who mobilize volunteers every day in the work that we do. We use our hands to be the best cheerleaders we can be for the volunteers we work with.

We want to make some noise for IYV+10 and show the world the impact volunteers have on our world.

Here we are showing you our hands. Now show us yours!