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Thursday, October 21, 2010

16 and 17 - Counting down to IYV+10 with Volunteer Toronto and the UN

On September 28, 2010, Volunteer Toronto held a special Volunteer Talk session with an International spin!
Simona Costanzo Sow, Project Manager for IYV+10 at UNV joined us via Skype from Bonn, Germany. Simona let us know that the UN has set up an online community where we can find out how IYV+10 is being celebrated around the world at
Check it out to see what is happening in your community.

Deborah Gardner, Executive Director and Marisa Gelfusa, Training Services from Volunteer Toronto high five after a successful International Volunteer Talk session!

Simona Costanzo Sow waves hello all the way from Bonn, Germany.
How will you be celebrating IYV+10?


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