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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Count Yourself In

We've all been impacted by volunteering in some way or another - as a volunteer, as a recipient of volunteer help or as someone working with volunteers.

Helping Hands wants to hear from you - send us your images of hands and tell us about their connection to volunteering.

Send your submissions to

Looking forward to hearing from you.

1 comments: said...

Helping Hands has the right idea! So many of us have some form of Help that we could share - a skilled trade or craft or some unused item, which could be so helpful to another person in need. There is a new community resource on the web to bring these people together - www. is an on-line community where users can post goods or services they have to offer, as well as goods or services that are needed. Users can then find each other, cooperate, trade, or lend a hand by whatever arrangements suit them. www.ZooFaroo brings people together, free and easy to use. Check it out and get a ZooFaroo community going in your own town!

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